It Occured to Me One Rainy Afternoon,
Upon hearing the singing of a bird,Maybe the question is the purpose.
The questions that crowd my mind, begging for my attention.
Perhaps my purpose is not
in answering them,
but living them out.
Here Is one:
Why do birds
I have been struggling against this wind.
Perhaps, it is that
they never cease to sing.
Neither rain nor night nor snow
Can keep them silent.
It is a brave species that will stand against the Night and
sing a song.
a bird knows there is glory in his singing.
Glory starts small.
It grows, like an ocean wave that God braids. And we are all stringed along like hairs in his palm. Glory starts small, pebble by pebble are the questions we are patient enough to live,
in a world that demands
We breathe the questions unanswered. We wear a glory unseen. Then it will be us who sing the song. Like the bird who knows true glory, we will give true glory.