We are so excited to share with you this month’s book!
Yaa Gyasi’s Homegoing has been the latest rave in the world of literature and we thought it would be super awesome to have our readers right in!
IN ADDITION TO OUR AUGUST BOOK RELEASE, AfroMadu has teamed up with Urban One Radio to host a #BookClubMadu BI-WEEKLY PODCAST!!!!! Yes, a podcast to talk about books, culture, and everything in between. How cool is that?!?!?
Here’s how this month’s book will work:
-Discussions will be held on afromadu.com and on twitter, @afromadu.Throughout the week, we will be posting questions and quotes from Homegoing.
-On August 14th, we will host our very first show, highlighting the first portion of the book. Readers are able to email us thoughts and questions about the book. Submission emails must be in before Thursday, August 11th.
We are so happy to be back with all of this exciting news. Are you? Happy reading! #BookClubMadu
Homegoing’s schedule is as follows:
August 1st-14th: Part One (pages 1-153)
August 15th-31st: Part Two (pages 154-300)